"Nanay," B jumped on my bed and announced very early this morning, "I think I know what AM and PM mean."
B was home from school today because he had been sick yesterday, and I wanted to keep him under observation for 24 hours and make sure he doesn't throw up anymore. He was lethargic and had no appetite at all last night, but thank God, he seemed perfectly fine this morning, and was his usual bubbly, curious self.
"AM," he continued, "stands for at morning, and PM means past morning!!!" He then looked at me triumphantly.
I laughed with astonished delight and amusement at his logic and creativity. It actually does make sense, right? And he obviously came up with that answer spontaneously, as a result of his own reflections. TeacherNanay-mode kicked in, however, and I knew I had to step in and tell him the truth. But still, I couldn't help but hug him as I explained the concept of the prime meridian line, Greenwich Mean Time, and the real meaning of AM (ante-meridian) and PM (post-meridian).
After I gave him my brief explanation, though, I must confess that I like B's interpretation much, much better! And I told him just that!